Spaces Limited Book Now/ material list will be available once booking is confirmed
The Young Society of Artists Incorporated (YSA) was formed in 1982. Our Artworks are house in The Burrangong Gallery within the Young Visitor Information Centre at the Old Railway Station in Lovell Street, and is open seven days a week.
YSA is a non-profit organisation that strives to encourage and promote public awareness and appreciation of fine art.
Interested people are invited to join YSA to help support the gallery and our exhibitions.
We are currently working closely with Hilltops Arts Inc to further promote art in the Hilltops region of Young, Boorowa and Harden.
New members are always welcome. You don’t have to be a local or an artist, simply be interested in arts and culture.
Membership is $30 per annum or a ‘Friend of the Gallery’ is $10 per annum. Many exciting workshops are planned for each year. Like” our Facebook Page to stay up-to-date.
Our Membership forms, Entry forms, Registration forms may be downloaded below. Forms can be completed and returned to Young Society of Artists either by email, post or in person.